brendan Egan
visual ARTIST & Lecturer
A few words..
I value beauty, and the truth of beauty can be ugly and vulgar but nonetheless beautiful.
My work is an evolving exploration of the deep entanglement between self, place, and the layered complexities of my queer identity. Grounded in the visceral, tactile landscape of the rockpools behind my childhood home—an intimate site where I have spent much of my life—I engage with the notion of place as both a physical and psychological territory.
These rockpools, dynamic and ever-changing with the tides, become a space for personal reflection, collective memory, and an environmental lens through which I investigate broader global concerns. In creating this work, I am constantly interrogating my personal relationship with the landscape, drawing parallels between the ecological threats faced by my immediate environment and the ongoing struggles of queer bodies to resist erasure, contamination, and marginalization.
The rockpools, for me, are both a site of nostalgia and a space for confronting contemporary crises. They serve as a mirror to my internal world—a place where memories, fears, and desires converge with broader social and ecological concerns. Through my work, I seek to illuminate these intersections, using the site of the rockpools as a lens through which to investigate questions of contamination, survival, and fluid boundaries.
Ultimately, my work reflects a desire to engage critically with the tensions between the personal and the political, the local and the global, the physical and the symbolic. The rockpools offer a space for this contemplation, their changing waters and shifting eco-systems providing a metaphor for the instability and fluidity of both environment and identity.
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